Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Dagens små STORE gleder # 1 ❤

- Clean sheets, Finding something you thought you had lost, Coconut fragrance, Clouds that look like things, Notebooks, Handwritten letters, Making Lists, Doodeling, Being spontaneous, Memories, Daydreaming, A book you’ve been dying to read, Doing what you thought to be impossible, Inmmature moments with your friends, The sound of the ocean, The sound of a cat purring, Songs that make you want to dance, Nicknames, Having what you need at the exact moment you need it.

1 comment:

  1. Åherregud håret ditt er såå fint <3 hva synes du om de som kommenterer så fine ting til deg og sender mld på facebook og så videre? <3 :) du e perfekt btw ;*
